Thursday, August 14, 2014

Plethora of Purple Purls

I waffled on which color to make this hat for almost three days.  Everyone I asked picked a different color.  I ended up using Manos del Uruguay Maxima in Concord for the Solitaire Beret by Natalie Larson.  I'm exceedingly happy with how it turned out.  Apparently purple is a popular color for this hat.  I found many in my chosen color on Ravelry.

This would be a good cable project for a beginner in that it only has the one cable.  BUT, you have to love purling.  I mean really love purling, because other than the cable, that's all this hat is.  I took my project to a knitting lunch with friends.  Even my friends who are more experienced than I, looked in disdain at the amount of purling.  Maybe there is someone out there that lives to purl.  I'd like to meet them.  I mention this not to turn anyone away from the hat, but to give a fair warning.  If I make another, I will probably go down a needle size.  I would like the brim to be a bit more snug.

All the purling was worth it.  This is another favorite that I look forward to wearing in the cooler months.

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